Monday, January 26, 2009

South East Asia Trip

Well today finally arrived. The last few day really dragged. With the weather the way it's been and the golf course closed it's been a fight to keep myself occupied, but that's history now. With all the fog, I decided to leave a day early and spend the night in Vancouver. That way there is no chance the I'll miss the flight.
With the extra time that I've had over the last few days I've had a chance to read up on the area around Hong Kong and how it relates to mainland China. It's and interesting place to say the least, but one thing that I found out is that Macau is not to far from Hong Kong. They are both SAR areas, which means Special Adminsitrative Regions. Being a SAR is still being part of China but with different laws and tourist entrance requirement's. As a Canadian citizen I do not need a visa to visit Hong Kong and now I find out the same holds true for Macau. Macau being the Las Vegas of the orient. They just completed the largest casino/Hotel complex in the world. So I think, if I have time, I am going to spend a day there.
I think I should sign off now, just babbling, this being my first attempt a being a Blogger. So please be patient I hope to get better......

Talk to you soon



  1. Way to go Dad! Now you're a blogger! We'll be following your postings...have a great trip!

  2. Hi Tom - I'll be following your trip...enjoy it and take lots of pictures.

  3. Have a great trip and make sure you take lots of pictures!!!! cant wait to hear about the rest of the trip!!! Enjoy yourself!
